NEW BRUNSWICK - PUMA EXPLORATION of Rimouski, Quebec, continues to find high-grade mineralization at its Nicolas-Denys property. The latest surface sampling program on the Shaft lens returned assays as high as 11.6% Zn, 12.5% Pb, 1,305.0 g/t Ag and 42.0 g/t Au.
The mineralization has been traced along surface for a distance of approximately 175 metres, according to Puma. This massive to semi-massive sulphide lens is located about 350 metres east of the Hach lens. These two lenses are connected by underground workings at the 150-metre depth level. Current exploration work is not sufficiently advanced to determine whether the two lenses are joined to form one lens 550 metres in length.
Assays are pending on core drilled from the Shaft lens. Results of the current surface sampling program will be used to select additional drilling targets. Read the latest news and results at