BRITISH COLUMBIA - MANTLE RESOURCES of Vancouver says it has extended the strike length of the Akie lead-zinc deposit, located 280 km from Mackenzie. The third hole drilled by the company intersected 19.20 metres of material that assayed 8.71% Zn, 1.83% Pb and 10.01 g/t Ag. Two other holes reported last year assayed 10.98% Zn and 2.61% Pb over 37.05 metres, and 11.95% Zn and 2.74% Pb over 26.70 metres.
Mantle pointed out that this high-grade zone is part of the Akie pyrite-sphalerite-galena-barite sedex deposit previously drilled by INMET MINING from 1994 through 1996. Mantle's latest hole was drilled along strike, outside the deposit outlined by Inmet. The historical resource was estimated to be 13.0 million tonnes grading 8.52% Zn, 1.47% Pb and 13.24 g/t Ag.
Akie drill core will be available for inspection at the Cordilleran Roundup in Vancouver's Bayshore Hotel on Jan. 24 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Or view photos of the project at