OTTAWA - The proceedings of the MEND Maritimes workshop, held earlier this year at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, are now available. The workshop title, "Challenges in Acidic Drainage: Case Studies on Mitigation Technologies and Current Research", just about sums up this publication.
The workshop showcased a number of case studies and field results from various mine sites that examined technological issues such as closure plans, long-term performance of geomembrane covers, environmental management and rehabilitation. Other presentations included passive/biological treatment methods for mine effluents, sludge management, mine water rebound and outfalls to the sea for coal mines. Regulatory, ARD/ML and associated liability issues were considered in presentations on the British Columbia mining industry and Alaska. The geology of Halifax regional municipality was coupled with a case study of acid drainage treatment at the Halifax Airport.
The proceedings are available on CD-ROM in English and French for $50 plus taxes. Contact the MEND Secretariat at Canmet, Visa or MasterCard accepted.