The words "Ekati Trend" have been penned to describe the diamond-producing area around Lac de Gras in the Northwest Territories. We hadn't hear those words associated before, but they popped up in a recent press release from ANGLO SWISS RESOURCES, a private company headquartered in Vancouver.
Anglo Swiss says it has acquired 100% interest in four claims covering about 4,180 ha near Lac de Gras. According to the company, two of the claims lie within the Ekati Trend, approximately 40 km northwest of the Ekati diamond mine. The other two are 35 km south of the kimberlite body currently being explored by PEREGRINE DIAMONDS and partners.
Anglo Swiss is interested in acquiring more potential diamond properties with the Lac de Gras-Slave Craton area. Since June 2005, it has picked up majority interests in claims covering approximately 68,000 ha. The Fly Inlet property, 60 km north of the Ekati mine and 90 km north of the Diavik mine, is the subject of a technical report. The MS 1-25 claim group is about 35 km southeast of the Diavik mine. The Fishing Lake property is near the western margin of the Slave Craton about 110 km north of Yellowknife, NWT. Visit for details of these projects.