BRAZIL – Largo Resources of Toronto has made its first shipment of vanadium pentoxide from its Maracas Menchen mine in Bahai State. The producer has a take-or-pay offtake agreement with Glencore for 100% of its output for six years.
The Maracas mine has the highest grade vanadium grade in the world. Proven and probable reserves of 13.1 million tonnes average 1.34% V2O5. Ore from the open pit is passed through a plant to create a 3.4% concentrate, that is further refined into the finished product.
Largo is ramping up production over the next 12 months to reach the plant nameplate capacity of 9,600 t/d. Average annual production is estimated at 11,400 tonnes of vanadium pentoxide equivalent over a 29-year mine life. The project has potential to expand both resources and output.
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