URANIUM: Fission’s R600W expands with high grade step-out holes

SASKATCHEWAN – Four angled step-out holes drilled in the R600W zone, about 500 metres west of the Triple R depost at the Patterson Lake South project, intersected mineralization, according to Fission Uranium of Kelowna, BC. That allowed...






SASKATCHEWAN – Four angled step-out holes drilled in the R600W zone, about 500 metres west of the Triple R depost at the Patterson Lake South project, intersected mineralization, according to Fission Uranium of Kelowna, BC. That allowed the company to lengthen the R600W zone along strike to 45 metres.

Total strike length of the mineralized trend discovered on the PL-3B conductor – host to the Triple R deposit, R600W and R120E zones – is now 2.25 km.

Two of the holes – PLS15-352 and -360 – were strongly mineralized with considerable high grade material near the surface. Hole 352 intersected both weak and strong areas of mineralization from 102.5 to 159.0 metres below surface. The strongest indications, as measured with a hand held scintillometer, were along a 12.11-metre section that tested >10,000 cps, and the highest peaks were up to 54,900 cps. The mineralization in hole 360 had variable radioactivity from 111.0 to 136.0 metres below surface, but it does indicate that the mineralized interval extends laterally on line 585E to approximately 30 metres.

Updated maps and files can be found at FissionUranium.com/project/pls/.


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