Fission Uranium Corp. says the results of the final nine winter drill holes confirm that the high grade zone at Patterson Lake South extends further west in the R840W zone and further east in the R780E zone. The total strike length at the property in the Athabasca Basin may well grow beyond the 2.58 km already identified.
In the R840W zone, hole PLS16-479 returned 22.5 metres at 1.35% U
8 including 3.0 metres of 4.96% about 150 metres below surface.
In the R780E zone, hole PLS16-471 returned 21.5 metres of 0.86% U
8 including 3.0 metres at 1.98% and 2.5 metres at 2.61%.
Hole PLS16-472 points toward additional mineralization between the R600W and R00E zones. It returned 1.5 metres of 0.09% U
8 and 0.5 metre of 0.06%. The assays came from material about 95 to 100 metres below surface.
Read the news release dated May 17, 2016 at for more detailed assay results.