URANIUM EXPLORATION – High grade intersection in Sibley Basin

NORTHWEST ONTARIO - Vancouver-based RPT URANIUM CORP. has announced the results of the first phase of a winter diam...
NORTHWEST ONTARIO - Vancouver-based RPT URANIUM CORP. has announced the results of the first phase of a winter diamond drilling program on the Split Rapids zone on the company's Black Sturgeon uranium property, northeast of Thunder Bay. The most significant result so far in the winter drill program is the intersection of 4.68% U3O8 over a core length of 0.72 m in drill hole BSE07-02. A second hole, BSE07-03 intersected 0.362% U3O8 over a core length of 0.30 m. Drill holes BSE07-02 and BSE07-03 were drilled on the same section as previously drilled hole BS05-30, which intersected an impressive 2.99% U3O8 over a core length of 1.55 m. A cross section illustrating these three drill holes will be posted on the company's website at www.rpturanium.ca.

All the uranium mineralization found at Split Rapids is in or immediately adjacent to a 900-m-long band of Archean iron formation. Although the uranium occurs in Archean basement rocks, the mineralization is of Proterozoic age, and is believed to be related to the unconformity at the base of the Sibley Group sediments (which have been removed by erosion in the Split Rapids area). The company believes that the Sibley Basin has the potential to host substantial unconformity-type uranium.

RPT is commencing a phase 2 drilling program that will systematically test the 900-m-long iron formation using 21 holes totaling about 3,000 m. Drilling is planned to continue through the spring break-up.

RPT Uranium was previously known as RAMPART VENTURES LTD. The company has an option to acquire 70% interest in the Black Sturgeon property by 2009 from NEW SHOSHONI VENTURES.


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