SASKATCHEWAN Vancouver-based BELMONT RESOURCES and INTERNATIONAL MONTORO RESOURCES says the best assay from their Crackingstone joint venture near Uranium City is 0.37% U3O8 (7.44 lb/ton) over 0.40 metres. Other intersections assayed 0.180% U3O8 over 0.65 metres, 0.194% over 0.80 metres and 0.076% over 0.60 metres.
The drilling program was planned to test a northeast-trending electromagnetic conductor coincident with the Boom Lake Fault which hosts the Beck 94 mineralized zone. Drill holes C-01 to C-08, C-14 to C-16, C-19 and C-20 were drilled to test the on strike mineralization and the electromagnetic conductor coincident with the Beck 94 showing. The presence of uranium mineralization for a strike distance of 1800 meters on the Crackingstone property. The drilling to this point strongly indicates increased width and intensity of alteration and uranium mineralization going northward from Beck 94 , according to Belmont.
Recent surface geological reconnaissance located many radioactive showings, especially on the east side of the local valley. The company says it has identified at least four other zones of uranium mineralization parallel to and similar to the Bloom Lake Fault.
Additional details, maps and photos of the Crackingstone project are posted at