Tech packages for Cat electric rope shovels add efficiency, production, and uptime

Caterpillar announces two new optional technology solutions – Integrated technology package and Operator Assist technology package – for the Cat 7495 and […]
New technology for Cat electric rope shovels allows less experienced operators to avoid poor digging practices. Credit: Caterpillar

Caterpillar announces two new optional technology solutions – Integrated technology package and Operator Assist technology package – for the Cat 7495 and 7495 HF electric rope shovels. The new packages eliminate the need for one-off technology customization, offer faster technology installation and provide seamless integration of future technologies into machine operation. They offer improved health and productivity data tracking that help to reduce the number of unplanned machine outages, creating a more predictable maintenance schedule while extending component life.

The Integrated Technology package fully integrates Cat electronics into the machine’s design and provides the foundation to support future technology expansion. The new package features six standard technologies – ranging from health monitoring to cycle segmentation – to support improved uptime reliability, improved operator efficiency, and enhanced cyber security. This upgrade also provides seamless integration of Cat MineStar solutions’ comprehensive suite of operational technologies that help track, monitor, and manage the shovel.

Machine self-protection

Building on the Integrated Technology package, the Operator Assist technology package provides machine self-protection and control enhancements that simplify 7495 and 7495 HF operation. It automatically detects and avoids collisions between the dipper, crawler, boom bumper and cable management systems.

This LiDAR-based upgrade also safeguards against operator practices that cause damage. It allows less experienced operators to efficiently load trucks, while reducing the effort required to avoid poor digging practices that can impact machine availability and overall productivity.

The package features the second generation of Enhanced motion control, encompassing all the improvements of the first generation. It also offers a new feature to protect the rotating undercarriage by alerting the operator when the turning angle exceeds 20°, so corrective action can be taken.

Other features within the new Operator Assist technology package include:

  • Anti-swing in bank prevents damaging side-loading forces on the dipper when the operator attempts to swing the dipper through the bank.
  • Hoist stall prevention monitors forces and optimizes crowd-retract commands to avoid stalling the dipper and prevent detrimental forces on the hoist gear-case.
  • Hoist rope slack prevention automatically adjusts crowd and hoist references to maintain rope tension when slack is detected.
  • Boom jack minimization automatically adjusts hoist and crowd to maintain proper rope tension and improves cycle times.
  • Rope crowd impact prevention measures the force on the crowd rope and automatically adjusts motor output to avoid shock loading.
  • Rope crowd overspeed prevention eliminates unnecessary wear on the crowd brake by providing more braking power to avert overspeed situations.

Prepared for the future

By providing the foundation for support technology expansion and integration, the Integrated Technology Package helps to provide more robust and reliable reporting. New cycle segmentation establishes operating key performance indicators (KPIs) and identifies dwell time when idle. It divides cycle time data into digging, swinging to the truck, dumping, and swinging to the bank segments. This allows miners to track machine performance across different shifts and operators. Legacy reporting technologies change to new machine health, vibration monitoring, payload management, and bearing temperature monitor technologies.

The optional Integrated technology package will be available in standard and premium subscription levels. Standard subscriptions include all package technologies and push notifications for software updates. Premium subscriptions include all standard features plus vibration data analysis, monthly report generation from a Caterpillar engineer and in-person consultation to review the report’s findings and conclusions.

New Cat 7495 and 7495 HF shovel purchases can be optionally equipped with the Integrated and Operator Assist technology packages starting in 2023. Availability of these technology packages as field retrofit kits is scheduled for mid-2023.

More about Caterpillar’s new technology for electric rope shovels can be found by contacting a Cat dealer or visiting:


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