ONTARIO — BacTech Mining and Temex Resources (both of Toronto) are discussing the possibility of BacTech's reprocessing the tails on the Gowganda silver project belonging to Temex. The property includes the Miller Lake O'Brien mine near Cobalt. Historical production was 40.7 million oz of silver from ore with an average grade of over 750 g/t Ag.
The Gowganda tails are adjacent to the Castle mine tailings which is the focus of BacTech's bioleach demonstration plant. Reprocessing the Gowganda tailings would remove a considerable environmental problem and perhaps recover cobalt and nickel as well as silver. Historical resource estimates put the tailings at 1.66 million tonnes grading 49 g/t Ag or 2.7 million oz of silver.
Additional information about the Gowganda project is available at www.TemexCorp.com.