TAILINGS PLAN – Fish sneak into pond at Jolu mill

SASKATCHEWAN - The tailings from the Jolu gold mine near La Ronge don't appear to be very toxic.
SASKATCHEWAN - The tailings from the Jolu gold mine near La Ronge don't appear to be very toxic.

The Jolu mill has been mothballed for several years, but Golden Band is preparing it as a central processing facility for several gold deposits in the area. The problem is that fish have re-established themselves in the waters of the Mallard tailings management facility (TMF), and where there is "water frequented by fish" the federal DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS (DFO) is never far a rier structure was inadvertently damaged during the removal of a beaver dam.

Now DFO is conducting a review of the TMF and its inhabitants. In the meantime, Golden Band is planning to use above-ground tailings storage and possibly in-pit storage, both of which need detailed assessments by the company. Production is scheduled to begin next year.

Details of the problem and its solutions can be found in the press release dated June 24, 2008, at www.GoldenBandResources.com.


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