Taiga Gold and SSR Mining report visible gold at Fisher

In May 2016, Silver Standard Resources, now called SSR Mining (TSX: SSRM; NASDAQ: SSRM), acquired Claude Resources and its Seabee gold operation in Saskatchewan […]






In May 2016, Silver Standard Resources, now called SSR Mining (TSX: SSRM; NASDAQ: SSRM), acquired Claude Resources and its Seabee gold operation in Saskatchewan for $337 million in cash and shares. Five months later, SSR Mining optioned Taiga Gold’s (CSE: TGC) Fisher project — whose property boundary lies 1.5 km to the south of Seabee’s Santoy mine. The Santoy mine is hosted by the Santoy Shear, a regional north-trending shear zone that has been traced over much of the Fisher property. “It’s an important structure and that’s where the focus of much exploration has been for the last several years,” says Mike Labach, Taiga Gold’s head of investor relations. Continue reading at The Northern Miner.


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