SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT – Moose Cree, De Beers sign Victor agreement

ONTARIO - The MOOSE CREE FIRST NATION and DE BEERS CANADA have signed an impact benefit agreement covering the Vict...
ONTARIO - The MOOSE CREE FIRST NATION and DE BEERS CANADA have signed an impact benefit agreement covering the Victor diamond mine. The two sides met in Moose Factory, Ont., on Sept. 17, 2007, to celebrate the event. Eighty-five per cent of the band members voted in favour of the agreement.

Victor will be Ontario's first diamond mine (see CMJ, January 2007), expected to produce 6.0 million ct during its 12-year mine life.

Located near Attawapiskat in the James Bay Lowlands, the Victor mine is the largest project in northern Ontario currently under construction. Once production begins in Q1 2008, Victor will provide 375 full-time jobs. It is expected to produce 6.0 million ct of diamonds during its 12-year mine life.

Full information (including fact sheet, procurement details, animations, project schedule, community involvement, photo gallery and more) is available at


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