SUSTAINABILITY: European SLIM project seeks new solutions

SPAIN – Sustainability is high on all miners’ to-do lists these days no matter where they operate. In Europe, the body of […]
Data acquisition using a drone. (Image: Sustainable Low Impact Mining)
SPAIN – Sustainability is high on all miners’ to-do lists these days no matter where they operate. In Europe, the body of 13 companies and institutions of SLIM (Sustainable Low Impact Mining) met last month seeking to develop new sustainable mining solutions. The SLIM initiative is part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program. [caption id="attachment_1003723802" align="alignleft" width="274"] Data acquisition using a drone. (Image: Sustainable Low Impact Mining)[/caption] One goal is to develop a new generation of explosives and advanced blast software that deliver improved rock mass characterization and fragmentation models. Cheaper explosives could make small or medium sized deposits economical to mine. The technologies will be validated at two Spanish mines and one in Austria. SLIM is also undertaking a survey of environmental, social and economic impacts of mining on five European cities that coexist with mining projects. Dialog will also be opened with local associations and key social agencies. SLIM is led by the Technical University of Madrid and made up of another eleven organisations and companies from Austria, Denmark, Sweden, France and Spain, in addition to MAXAM: 3GSM, Benito Arno e Hijos, Bureau de Recherches Géoloquiques et Minières, VA Erzberg GmbH, Gate2Growth, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Minpol, Montan Universität Leoben, Minera de Órgiva, Technische Universitaet Graz and ZABALA Innovation Consulting. Please visit


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