On Wednesday, Solvay launched an exclusive digital knowledge hub, the Mining Chemicals Handbook, which provides 24/7 access to relevant mining chemical application information for those active in this demanding sector. This is the first such resource in the industry, underscoring Solvay’s commitment to the industry and ongoing efforts to lead and innovate.
Originally known as The Blue Book from Cytec (which Solvay acquired in 2015), this valuable resource has a long legacy. Building on that heritage, it has now been updated, digitized and expanded upon to better reflect the current challenges facing the industry, as well as the changing content consumption patterns of mine personnel in the digital era.
Solvay’s new Mining Chemicals Handbook, or MCH, delivers the company’s extensive expertise and application know-how, along with current reagent data, to each user’s desktop or handheld device. The hub also includes a range of new tools designed to help improve clients’ performance and profitability.
The digital handbook includes interactive features such as value calculators to explore the impact of reagent selection and operating changes on plant performance. Solvay will also provide current information about its field work and research.
“We believe mining chemistry has the power to be ‘smart.’ With access to the right plant data, reagent formulation and selection have the potential to be dynamic. This means that reagents can be tailored to the ore type and processing conditions at any point in time,” said Martin de Saignes, executive VP mining solutions at Solvay.
Enquire about the new Mining Chemicals Handbook through Solvay's website.