CHINA - SILVERCORP METALS of Vancouver reports that a tunnel at its Ying silver project in Henan Province has intersected 5.94 metres of material grading 1,940 g/t Ag and 30% combined Pb-Zn. Tunnelling on the 640- and 610-metre levels confirmed the extension of high-grade massive galena sheets first cut on the 570- and 534-metre levels.
The near-term exploration program on the S16W and S16E veins will continue with current drifting along the vein on the 640- and 610-metre elevations, while commencing development of new drift tunnels on the 680-metre level to further extend the mineralization in the veins upward to surface. A surface and underground drill program will also be carried out to test vein extensions to depth.
Visit for complete assay results and a detailed description of the Ying project.