Sigma Lithium (NASDAQ: SGML; TSXV: SGML) has hit its planned production targets at its Greentech industrial plant in Brazil. The company is on track to produce 130,000 tonnes of chemical grade triple-zero green lithium by December 2023, and expects to consistently reach an annualized production of 270,000 tonnes by the end of the third quarter 2023.
According the company, upcoming shipments include 15,000 tonnes lithium oxide (Li2O) planned for the end of August, 30,000 tonnes of byproducts (tailings) planned for mid-September, and 18,000 tonnes Li2O planned for the end of September. In August, Sigma Lithium had a record daily production of 846 tonnes Li2O and reached 95% of its production capacity.
The Greentech plant has also made significant progress towards reaching its designed recovery rates. In August, the plant hit 65% Li2O recovery rates of lithium from spodumene ore during several consecutive days. Greentech can successfully produce 6.3% Li2O using feedstock from the mine.
Sigma also reports the start of two social initiatives, including the full renovation of a rural community school and the construction of a new bridge to ensure shorter rural community access to urban centres. The company also reports 85% local employment, and advances on its Zero Drought, Water for All and Dona de Mim Microcredit programs, supporting subsistence farmers, providing water storage tanks, and enrolling women in entrepreneurship training programs.
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