ONTARIO - The overall winner of the 2007 Ontario Mine Rescue competition was the team from CVRD INCOs East mine. Second place went to the team from XSTRATA COPPERs Kidd Creek mine. The event was held earlier this month in Sault Ste. Marie.
Normand Begin from HEMLO GOLD MINES was the winner of the technician award for the second year in a row. Runner-up was Craig Jorgensen of XSTRATA NICKEL.
The ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION (www.OMA.on.ca) reminds readers that for the first four months of 2007, the lost time injury rate in Ontarios mining industry improved to 0.6 per 200,000 hours from 0.8 the previous year - a 25% gain. In the total medical injury category, the industry had a rate of 6.4 per 200,000 hours, compared with 7.4 for the first four months of 2006 - a 13.5% improvement.