SAFETY MILESTONE – Victor project reaches 3M mark without accident

ONTARIO - Word comes from the ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION that one of its member companies, DE BEERS CANADA, has com...
ONTARIO - Word comes from the ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION that one of its member companies, DE BEERS CANADA, has completed over 3.0 million hours of work at its Victor diamond project without a lost time incident. Initial diamond production from this $1-billion project is expected early in 2008.

"Everyone that has been a part of the Victor experience has clearly understood from the very beginning that a safe working environment for all was the number one priority," said Ruben Wallin, manager of health, safety and environment at Victor. "By integrating our safety program with that of the construction team, we have been able to focus more than three-thousand different permanent, temporary and contract positions on a common goal as we bring the mine into production."

While construction on site is being led by the consulting engineering firm AMEC (an OMA member), a wide range of contractors from the James Bay First Nations, Northern Ontario and other parts of the country are working in collaboration. They are integrating best practices and advancing the start up date for the mine without compromising safety.

The Ontario Mining Association maintains a website at


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