SAFETY MILESTONE – Nickel Rim South workers go 3M hours without a lost time injury

ONTARIO - The workers at XSTRATA NICKEL's Nickel Rim South project near Sudbury have reached a major safety milesto...
ONTARIO - The workers at XSTRATA NICKEL's Nickel Rim South project near Sudbury have reached a major safety milestone. They have worked on the site over 3.0 million hours without a lost time injury. There are been no injuries resulting in a missed shift in more than 3.6 years (or 1,305 days).

CEMENTATION CANADA was Xstrata Nickel's partner in completing the production and ventilation shafts. Since work started at Nickel Rim South in March 2004, there have been more than 3,800 people representing more than 370 different companies and contractors working at the property on surface and underground. The progress of development and this safety accomplishment keeps Nickel Rim South on track to commence production in 2009.

The ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION posted news of this milestone on its website at and applauded the Nickel Rim South team for its safety performance.


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