STRATFORD, ONTARIO - SAFETY-KLEEN CANADA, has won the RECYCLING COUNCIL OF ONTARIO's platinum Sustainable Technology Award for its used motor oil re-refining operations in Breslau, (near Kitchener-Waterloo), Ontario.
Safety-Kleen operates two state of the art re-refining operations, one in Breslau, and another in East Chicago, Indiana, that together re-refine 500 million litres of used motor and industrial oils annually. Re-refining is the physical and chemical treatment of used oil to return it back into high quality lubricating oil. The company's lubricating oil products meet or exceed all 2005 automotive lubricating oil standards and include a wide range of American Petroleum Institute licensed engine oils. See to find a branch or recycling centre near your operation.
For more information about the Recycling Council of Ontario, and a list of all 2005 Ontario Waste Minimization Award winners, visit