NORTHERN ONTARIO -- Phase 2 bulk sampling has begun at the Separation Rapids rare metals project. The project, located near Kenora, is 100% owned by AVALON VENTURES of Toronto. Approximately 300 tonnes of crushed lithium ore will be recovered. The sample mining will be done this month by local contractor MONCRIEF CONSTRUCTION.
The sample will be crushed in Moncreif's yard in Kenora, and shipped to an anonymous customer by April 15. Avalon says the first six-tonne sample shipped late last year to the same customer produced positive results.
The Separation Rapids property lies within the traditional land use area of the Wabaseemoong Independent Nations of Whitedog, Ont. In August 1999, Avalon and Wabaseemoong signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the co-operative development of the Separation Rapids project. Prior to initiating the Phase 2 program, representatives from both sides met and reaffirmed their mutual co-operation.
Detailed information about the Separation Rapids project is posted at