RAM Industrial Construction released a new escapeway designed to greatly assist safety and efficiency standards within underground mining operations. The company’s new RAM EZ-S-Cape has several new features that will provide mining personnel with a safer, faster, and more reliable means of egress in the event of an emergency. RAM Industrial Construction is a subsidiary of RAM Enterprise. The company is known for its electrical, underground, and fabrication services in the mining, aggregate, and power generation industries.
RAM’s new escapeway features a spiral staircase, which ensures individuals of all sizes and fitness levels can travel to safety without unnecessary strain or difficulty. Unlike traditional systems that may have narrow, difficult-to-navigate hatch openings and constant maintenance requirements, this design eliminates pinch points at landings, significantly reducing the risk of injury.
RAM Industrial’s CEO Michael Black commented, “We are thrilled to bring this revolutionary product to market. This design not only addresses long-standing issues in mining escapeway systems but does so in a way that prioritizes employee safety and operational efficiency. This new system ensures that the escape route is as effective, safe, and reliable as possible, providing peace of mind to both employees and owners alike.”
Company spokespeople have said the new advanced escapeway has the following features: No Pinch Points at Landings: Enhanced safety at landing zones, reducing the likelihood of bottlenecks and injury, No Hatch Inspections or Maintenance Needs: Traditional hatches can stick, causing delays or bottlenecks. Our new system eliminates the need for constant hatch maintenance and repair by eliminating the need for hatch openings completely, Constant Airflow Access: Multiple designs that incorporate escapeway, ventilation, and utility corridor options, Emergency Rescue: The design also facilitates the raising and lowering of stokes baskets, improving emergency response times and care.
RAM Industrial also focused on the following additional safety and efficiency-related features: Resting Opportunities: The design allows miners to rest as needed on the stairs without obstructing the path for others, further reducing stress during travel, Improved Speed and Efficiency of Travel: Without bottlenecks or delays at critical points, personnel can exit quickly and safely and finally Level-to-Level Transport Capability: This system can also serve as a transport route for personnel between levels, reducing pedestrian traffic in main haulage areas and enhancing operational efficiency.
Officials with the construction firm stated the introduction of this new escapeway system represents a significant leap forward in underground mine safety, combining the latest in ergonomic design and engineering innovation to ensure personnel safety well-being. The company expects the new design to impact mining safety standards worldwide.
More information on RAM Industrial and/or the new escapeway is provided on www.ram-industrialservices.com.