The proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2005) are now available. The meeting was held in Banff, Alberta, from Oct. 31 to Nov. 3, 2005. It aims to contribute to the development of high-tech methods and technologies for the various segments of mining and mineral processing industries.
Last year, MPES was held jointly with the 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industries (CAMI). The meeting featured over 100 technical papers from North and South America, Europe, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, Japan and other Asian countries. Some of the topics covered were advances in mine design; mine equipment design, selection and performance monitoring; rock mechanics and geotechnical applications; tailings and waste disposal computer simulations; real-time mine management systems; mine closure and rehabilitation; and computer applications in mining education.
The proceedings (ISSN 1712-3208) were edited by Raj Singhal, Kostas Fytas and Chris Chiwetelu. They are published by The Reading Matrix Inc., e-mail A CD of the volume may be ordered online at