BRITISH COLUMBIA - Vancouver-based HILLSBOROUGH RESOURCES and AES PACIFIC have proposed building a coal-fired generating plant in the northeastern part of the province. The 165-MW plant would operate under the name AESWapiti Energy. The project includes a 35-km, 230-kV transmission line that would operate for at least 40 years. Thermal coal for the plant would come from Hillsborough's nearby Wapiti mine, located between Tumbler Ridge and Dawson Creek.
AESWapiti is submitting its proposal under the current BC HYDRO call for power production tenders. AESWapiti is also entering into the environmental assessment process in support of this bid submission. In this regard, it has commenced information meetings in northeast B.C., and is submitting a project description to initiate the process.
BC Hydro's Open Call for Power information, including how to submit a bid, is posted at