POTASH: Private company, Beechy, plans potash project

SASKATCHEWAN – Private company, Beechy Technology, based in the town of Beechy, has plans to build a new 200,000 t/y potash mine […]
Location of the village of Beechy, Sask.






SASKATCHEWAN – Private company, Beechy Technology, based in the town of Beechy, has plans to build a new 200,000 t/y potash mine that should be operational in 18 months. The company says the venture will cost $20 million. Beechy plans to use its own patented polythermic solution mining system. This is a selective method that produces no salt waste, said the company. The method targets thin, high grade potash zones. [caption id="attachment_1003717974" align="alignright" width="192"] Location of the village of Beechy, Sask.[/caption] Hot saturated brine is produced from the mine. The brine is cooled to remove the potash, then, reheated with a small amount of water added and injected back into the deposit. Only two wells are required, one vertical, one horizontal. The mine design allows active dissolution against the cavern wall with the liberated salt crystals stored inside a curved cavern. The Beechy system also is also said to use less than 10% of the water and 20% of the energy of existing solution mines. Operating costs are expected to be about 33% of existing projects or $30/tonne. Payback will be accomplished in well under a year. Beechy says it  has developed a simple plant design with most of the equipment, including the crystallizers, floor mounted allowing low capital cost and minimal construction time. This mine is intended to be the first stage of a major potash development. Beechy says the exact location of the potential mine has not yet been chosen since negotiations with First Nations and other investors are on-going. Call Beechy president Harvey Haugen at 306-859-7680 or email harhau@sasktel.net with questions.


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