MONTREAL - Supavac portable solids pumps reliably transfer any wet or dry bulk material that flows. With no rotating parts or electricity used and with no moving parts in contact with the flow, the pump has extremely high reliability. The patented vacuum recovery and pressure discharge technology enables Supavac pumps to operate alternately between lean and dense phase conveying, as either the material or operation demands. These fully automatic pumps, with capacities from 10 to 60 m/hour, are able to pass fines, hard solids and trash up to 7.5 cm size and larger. Pumps can achieve fluid suction lifts up to 7.6 metres dry static, air flow vacuum recovery up to 23 metres vertical and 50 metres horizontal with discharge of up to 885 metres horizontal. Units are compact and fully enclosed for zero discharge compliance.
Supavac pumps are suitable for installations in sumps, transfers, drains, digesters, tunneling and horizontal drilling, conveyor spillage, lagoons and ponds, bypass pumping, intrinsically safe operation for underground and x-p areas, pneumatic excavation and conveyance.
They are particularly suited anywhere abrasive and corrosive slurries, oily and viscous sludge, noxious and hazardous waste, rock and sand, mine tailings and muck, effluent, drilling mud waste, oil- and brine-based drill cuttings and coal are encountered.
Contact Bob Spicer ( to discuss your needs.