STEWART, British Columbia HERITAGE EXPLORATIONS has discovered a large new zone of polymetallic mineralization in the Eskay Creek camp. Heritage is 32.4%-owned by ST ANDREW GOLDFIELDS, which is increasing its ownership to 51%. Both companies consider the Hexagon zone one of the more important discoveries in the Eskay Creek area in the last 10 years.
The Hexagon zone was first detected during the summer 2002 exploration program. Seven holes totaling nearly 4,000 m were drilled this summer to test zones of surface alteration and associated structures. One hole drilled into the northern Hexagon target area encountered patchy sericite-pyrite alteration over 185 metres including a 43-
metre zone containing sporadic quartz-carbonate-pyrite and quartz-pyrite-sphalerite-galena veins up to 50 m thick. Gold values of up to 1.57 g/t and silver values of 2.74 g/t were encountered in this hole. The six other holes encountered pyrite content of between 10-15% and variable precious metals values.
Needless to say, Heritage is planning an extensive drill program next to follow up the promising results. Learn more at