POLICY FRAMEWORK: Guidance for mine closure and long term liabilities

The National Orphaned and Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI) has released a new publication, "The Policy Framework in Canada for Mines Closure and Management of Long Term Liabilities: A guidance Document (November 2010)." Stakeholders,...



The National Orphaned and Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI) has released a new publication, "The Policy Framework in Canada for Mines Closure and Management of Long Term Liabilities: A guidance Document (November 2010)." Stakeholders, including industry, Aboriginal Canadians, communities, governments and non-government organizations, will find the report a useful reference when considering these issues.

The document also provides discussion on long term care, monitoring and maintenance of mines that may cease to operate and the options whereby mining jurisdictions may accept mining lands back to the Crown. Issues considered include financial assurance, cost estimation, corporate failure or premature closure, emergency legislation, relinquishment and more.

Two approaches were used to execute the report. Canadian and foreign agencies responded to a questionnaire on how these issues are currently managed in their jurisdiction. This information was distilled into key observations and trends. In addition, briefing notes on policy elements were prepared, from which guidance concepts for a policy framework could be developed.

The 140-page report can be downloaded from www.Abandoned-Mines.org/New-e.htm.


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