Ivanhoe Mines, headquartered in Vancouver, has begun sinking the first shaft at its Platreef PGM-copper-nickel project 280 km northeast of Johannesburg. The 7.25-metre diameter shaft will reach a finished depth of 1,025 metres in 2018.
The shaft sinking contract includes two main stations at depths of 450 and 1,200 metres. The Flatreef deposit will be intersected at 777 metres below the surface. The Flatreef deposit has an indicated resource of 346 million tonnes grading 3.77 g/t 3PE+Au, 0.16% Cu and 0.32% Ni. There is also an inferred resource of 506 million tonnes grading 3.24 3PE+Au, 0.16% Cu and 0.31% Ni. A cut-off of 2.0 g/t 3PE+Au was used for the estimates.
Work on the 10-metre main production shaft will begin next year. The shaft will skip 6 million tonnes of ore annually.
Ivanhoe owns 64% of the Platreef project. Learn more at