PGM-NICKEL-COPPER: Duncastle gets Yukon grant for Catalyst property

YUKON – Vancouver-based Duncastle Gold Corp. has received an exploration grant for its Catalyst PGM-nickel-copper property from the government of Yukon. The grant from the Yukon Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP) will provide half of...

YUKON – Vancouver-based Duncastle Gold Corp. has received an exploration grant for its Catalyst PGM-nickel-copper property from the government of Yukon. The grant from the Yukon Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP) will provide half of eligible expenses up to a maximum of $50,000.

The Catalyst project is located 35 km northwest of Burwash Landing and includes the Donjek-Arch claims adjacent to the Wellgreen deposit belonging to Wellgreen Platinum. Duncastle holds two other PGM-nickel-copper projects besides Catalyst in the Kluane Ultramafic Belt.

The company says several historic showings are present at Catalyst. For example, the Teck showing in the Arch zone once assayed 0.36 g/t PGM+Au, 581 ppm Ni and 709 ppm Cu from chip samples. More recent assays returned 0.535 ppm PGM+Au, 2,130 ppm Ni and 1,660 ppm Cu over 0.8 meters.

Duncastle previously received a YMEP grant to conduct geophysical and geochemical orientation surveys over the Arch zone.

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