ALBERTA – Edmonton's Titanium Corporation has been awarded Canadian patent 2-712-725 (Moran et al) for its technology that recovers hydrocarbon diluents (solvents) from oil sands tailings. The technology developed by Titanium improves solvent recovery beyond current industry practices, thus reducing the amount of solvent discharged into tailings ponds or the atmosphere.
The newly patented technology has the potential to significantly reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from oil sands froth treatment tails as well as recover valuable products that would otherwise be lost in the ponds.
Over the five-year program to develop this patented solution, Titanium's Dr. Kevin Moran led a research team which included scientists from the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) in Chicago, IL, one of North America's leading developers of commercial technologies that provide economic value for the energy industry. Moran also collaborated with Dr. D.-Y. Peng of the University of Saskatchewan, noted around the globe for his research in thermodynamics.
Scott Nelson, Titanium's president and CEO said, "This patent bolsters our unique position in tailings reclamation and resource recovery with the only technology that has successfully treated oil sands froth treatment tailings under extended, advanced testing conditions at CanmetENERGY. Our technologies provide comprehensive, industry wide solutions to the environmental remediation of tailings, while the recovery of minerals, bitumen, solvents and water create new economic opportunities for all stakeholders."
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