Pan American Silver (TSX: PAA; NASDAQ: PAAS) has confirmed that a small tailings spill at its Huaron underground mine in central Peru, first reported in the local press, occurred earlier this week.
“The Huaron mine experienced an unintended release of tailings fines and water from decant water piping that was mostly contained in the piping containment channel, however, a small volume overflowed the channel downstream,” Siren Fisekci, VP investor relations and corporate communications, told
The Northern Miner.
Fisekci said the spill, which occurred at 4 a.m. on Dec. 12, was cleaned up within 24 hours.
“We immediately notified the local Huayllay community and community representatives conducted a site inspection the morning of Dec. 12th,” she said. “The local water authority and the Agency for Environmental Evaluation and Enforcement (OEFA) also conducted inspections. No specific concerns were raised.”
Fisekci noted that the mill is operating.
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