We at Canadian Mining Journal try to send our electronic readers the most important, interesting Canadian mining news each week. Until now we have been sending you one Headline News Alert per week, on Thursday mornings.
While we receive good reader feedback, our trolls tell us that we may be sending out more news than you can swallow at one gulp. Therefore, we will be conducting tests starting this week to see if you would prefer receiving two smaller Alerts per week.
If this Alert seems to be shorter than usual, don't worry. There will be more mining news coming your way on Monday morning.
We will check to see which system gets more hits, but we would also like to hear directly from you. Do you prefer one long Alert per week or two shorter ones? Do you like the mix of subjects, and the lengths of the articles? Do you read the lead-off editorial?
Please send your comments to Marilyn Scales, editor of the Mining News Alert at mscales@canadianminingjournal.com.