Vancouver-based BC & YUKON CHAMBER OF MINES has selected the recipients of its annual awards to be presented on Jan. 25. Ed Balon of Almaden Minerals will receive the H.H. "Spud" Huestis Award for excellence in prospecting and mineral exploration (such as new discoveries in the Merritt-Lillooet area of British Columbia). Jim O'Rourke of Huckleberry Mines will take home the E.A. Scholz Award for excellence in mine development (for his successes at Cassiar, Huckleberry and Similco). Ned Goodman of Dundee Bancorp will receive the Murray Pezim Award for his leadership in financing and investment in British Columbia's exploration industry (notably the Eskay Creek gold mine). The name of Dr. John Burney, of Motapa Diamonds and professor at the University of Cape Town, will be the first inscribed on the new Hugo Dummett Award for excellence in diamond exploration and development (identifying G10 garnets as a key indicator mineral).
Peter Tagliamonte, VP & COO of Toronto-based Desert Sun Mining has been named Mining Magazine's Mine Manager of the Year. Under his leadership, Desert Sun recently brought the Jacobina gold mine in Brazil back into production.