Nominate a young mining professional for Peter Munk, Eira Thomas awards

Nominations for the Young Mining Professional of the Year Awards are now open to the public. The Peter Munk and Eira Thomas […]

Nominations for the Young Mining Professional of the Year Awards are now open to the public. The Peter Munk and Eira Thomas awards honour a young man and a young woman, respectively.

The nominees must be under the age of 40 as of Dec. 31, 2021, and they must be currently engaged in the mining and metals industry.

The selection committee consists of YMP directors and senior executives at The Northern Miner. Past recipients of the Peter Munk award are Matthew Fenton, David Cataford, Jose Vizquerra, Stephen de Jong, and Nolan Watson. Past recipients of the Eira Thomas Award are Maggie Layman, Ashley Kirwan, Andree St-Germain, Catherine Raw, and Alicia Woods.

YMP was set up to assist participants in obtaining the skills, support and knowledge to successfully advance their careers, develop a network of contacts within the industry, and identify career and mining-related investment opportunities. With chapters in Canadian, Australian and U.S. cities, YMP awards scholarships, facilitates networking, and holds social events.

Forms for nominating deserving young mining professionals are available at


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