NIGERIA – Reports of a new type of nickel deposit in Nigeria are beginning to roll in, but certain details remain sketchy. A private Australian company made the first public announcement at a recent mining conference in Perth.
The deposit is unique in that the nickel occurs as small balls 0.1 to 4.0 mm in diameter. They range in colour from bright silver and golden to dark grey. The nickel content is as high as 90%. The property has been christened Titan.
(Scoop-and-screen would be an inexpensive means of recovering the balls.)
Former Western Mining Corporation chairman Hugh Morgan told the Paydirt 2016 Africa Down Under conference, “To our knowledge, this style of high grade native nickel metal deposit has not been previously documented.
“There is no other deposit like it in the world – it is that significant in style,” he said. “We don’t know the extent of what we are working with yet. The geological setting is very encouraging.”