LABRADOR "We're off and running," said INCO LTD. chairman and CEO Scott Hand in announcing that the first concentrate was produced from the Voisey's Bay nickel mine near Nain on Sept. 15. The first shipment is expected in November. Production rates will ramp up to 110 million lb of nickel in concentrate during 2006.
CMJ editor Jane Werniuk is at the site this week researching the details of this billion-dollar project for our readers.
Voisey's Bay is the first of Inco's growth projects to reach production and is a major milestone in Inco's plan to become the world's No.1 nickel producer. The others include Goro in New Caledonia and an expansion of PT Inco in Indonesia.
See to learn about all of Inco's operations, including those in other parts of Canada.<br>