ONTARIO - The former Langmuir nickel mines could be active again, if Toronto-based INSPIRATION MINING CORP. keeps on finding bonanza grades. The best intersection of the recent program was 0.916% Ni over 7.4 metres and 1.001% Ni over 8.4 metres, including a 0.67-metre (true width) section grading 4.160% Ni. The Langmuir property is located 25 km southeast of Timmins.
Inspiration is conducting an infill drilling program at the old Langmuir No.1 mine. The goal is to define the nickel-bearing mineralization below the 90-metre level to a vertical depth of 275 metres. The nickel-bearing sulphide mineralization, with estimations ranging from 1-20% fine-grained disseminations up to massive 100% sulphides, is contained within serpentinized komatiitic ultramafic extrusive flows with occasional spinifex texture.
The history of the Langmuir property is posted at www.InspirationMining.com.