ONTARIO - Twice in the last two weeks INSPIRATION MINING of Toronto has reported long and strong intersections (11.45 metres at 0.742% Ni and 19.07 metres at 0.650% Ni) from its drilling activities on the Langmuir nickel property south of Timmins.
The nickel-bearing mineralization is found in serpentinized komatiitic ultramafic flows with occasional spinifex texture. The sulphides range from 1% to 20% fine-grained disseminations and up to 100% massive sulphides.
The Langmuir mine produced about 1.25 million tonnes that averaged 1.47% Ni during the 1970s. The property was further explored and mined briefly in the early 1990s. No NI-43-101 report appears to be available for the property, but Inspiration guesses that the inferred resource is in the neighbourhood of 1.0 million tonnes grading 1.55% Ni. The company also says the PGE potential of the property remains untested.
Inspiration's website (www.InspirationMining.com) contains a brief discussion of the exploration potential at Langmuir.