NICKEL DEVELOPMENT NEWS Montcalm Mine Ready in 2005

TIMMINS, Ontario The appropriate government approvals are in place, and FALCONBRIDGE plans to have its Montcalm n...
TIMMINS, Ontario The appropriate government approvals are in place, and FALCONBRIDGE plans to have its Montcalm nickel mine in commercial production during the first quarter of 2005. Capital costs are estimated to be $100 million.

The deposit has 7.0 million tonnes of indicated resources grading 1.39% Ni, 0.67% Cu and 0.06% Co. Another 700,000 tonnes of slightly-higher grade material is inferred. The Montcalm mine will recover about 750,000 tonnes of ore and produce 8,000 tonnes of metal annually. Ore will be concentrated at the Kidd Metallurgical Division in Timmins and smelted in Timmins.

Falconbridge bought the Montcalm deposit from Outokumpu Mines in 2001. More information is available from VP Denis Couture at 416-982-7020 or


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