NICKEL DEVELOPMENT – Alexo Property Headed for Full Production

ONTARIO - The first deposit discovered in the Porcupine Camp near Timmins wasn't gold but nickel. It was unearthed...
ONTARIO - The first deposit discovered in the Porcupine Camp near Timmins wasn't gold but nickel. It was unearthed in 1907 by Alexo Kelso and mined from 1913-19 and again from 1943-44. Now CANADIAN ARROW MINES of Timmins is in the final stages of permitting and plans to restart full production after the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines approves its revised permit application.

The mining and closure plans cover both the Alexo and Kelex zones. Ore will come from pits initially and later by underground development. Bulk samples from Canadian Arrow's project are being treated at FALCONBRIDGE's Strathcona mill in Sudbury.

More information is available from Canadian Arrow's investor relations department at 877-262-6354.


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