NICKEL-COPPER: Balmoral releases maiden estimate for Grasset deposit

QUEBEC – Balmoral Resources of Vancouver has released the maiden resource estimate for the Grasset nickel-copper deposit at the Detour Trend in […]
QUEBEC – Balmoral Resources of Vancouver has released the maiden resource estimate for the Grasset nickel-copper deposit at the Detour Trend in the Matagami region. With a 1.00% NiEq cut-off grade, the indicated resource is 3.45 million tonnes averaging 1.79% NiEq. Separately the indicated tonnage grades 1.56% Ni, 0.17% Cu, 0.03% Co, 0.34 g/t Pt and 0.84 g/t Pd. The inferred resource is 91,000 tonnes at 1.19% NiEq, or 1.06% Ni, 0.11% Cu, 0.03% Co, 0.20 g/t Pt, and 0.48 g/t Pd. The Grasset deposit is comprised of the sub-parallel H3 and H1 zones. The H3 zone has been intersected from the bedrock surface to a depth of approximately 550 vertical metres and remains open below that level. The H1 zone, targeted by considerably less drilling to date, has been intersected for over 1,000 metres along strike and to a vertical depth of 450 metres. It remains open along strike to the northwest and to depth across its entire strike length. Balmoral said the estimate focuses on the higher grade centre core of the Grasset deposit. Approximately 99% of the indicated resource is contained within the H3 zone. A quick visit to will turn up some lovely images of native gold in quartz.


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