NICKEL-COBALT: New roasting method ups nickel payability by 25% for RNC

QUEBEC – RNC Minerals of Toronto says its innovative roasting approach has used value-in-use market analysis to determine that nickel payability for […]
Logging core from the Dumont nickel-cobalt project. (Image: RNC Minerals)






[caption id="attachment_1003724511" align="aligncenter" width="493"] Logging core from the Dumont nickel-cobalt project. (Image: RNC Minerals)[/caption] QUEBEC – RNC Minerals of Toronto says its innovative roasting approach has used value-in-use market analysis to determine that nickel payability for Dumont nickel concentrates will be 94%. Compare that to 70% to 75% for conventional smelting and refining. The technology that RNC has developed for sulphate production skips the refining step of conventional nickel production. By producing sulphate directly from the roasting step, costs are estimated to be between $30 and $60 per tonne of feed The Dumont nickel-cobalt project 25 km west of Amos is the world’s largest undeveloped nickel reserves in the world and the second largest undeveloped cobalt reserve. The deposit contains proven and probable reserves of 1.2 million tonnes grading 0.27% nickel and 107 ppm cobalt. The reserves hold 6.9 billion lb. of nickel and 278 million lb. of cobalt. The deposit also has 1.7 million measured and indicated resources at 0.27% nickel and 107 ppm cobalt and 499,800 inferred tonnes at 0.26% nickel and 101 ppm cobalt. RNC is a 28% partner with Waterton in a joint venture to advance the Dumont project. The latest corporate presentation is posted at


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