NEW POLL – Does the general public understand mining?

Several parts of Canada are celebrating Mining Week this week, when the mining industry makes special efforts to pr...
Several parts of Canada are celebrating Mining Week this week, when the mining industry makes special efforts to present itself to the general public. But are these activities effective in educating people about the benefits of and challenges faced by the mining industry? We want to hear your opinion, and to find out whether or not you work in the mining/minerals sector. Our new Hot Topic question is: Do activities such as Mining Week positively influence public opinion?To give us your answer and to check the results, visit the Hot Topic box on our homepage or Click Here.

Last week readers used the poll to tell us whether residents of Elliot Lake, Ont., should support the renewal of uranium mining in the area. This question hit a new poll record, with at least 283 votes during the week. A large majority (81.27%) said that residents should not welcome uranium mining back to Elliot Lake. Only 5.3% of those polled actually live in Elliot Lake, and 60% of them said that they would not welcome uranium mining back. Thanks very much for sharing your opinions. We include a number of comments on the poll question as our next item.


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