NEW POLL – Can oil sands be environmentally acceptable?

The editorial this week questions whether the oil sands industry of western Canada can truly operate without long-t...
The editorial this week questions whether the oil sands industry of western Canada can truly operate without long-term damage to the environment. Our new Hot Topic question asks, "Can the oil sands be mined and remediated in an environmentally acceptable manner?" The choices given are: Yes with current technology; Yes with future technology; or Never.To give us your answer and comments, and to check the results, visit the Hot Topic box on our homepage or Click Here.

The poll last week asked "If you were to choose a country (other than Canada) in which to build your next mine, which of the following would it be?" The choices given were: Mongolia, Mexico, the United States or Zambia, or "None of the above." The voters strongly backed Mexico, which received 48% approval. The United States and Mongolia followed, with 12% and 10% respectively. Zambia received only 6% of the votes; and 24% answered "none of the above". Thanks very much for sharing your opinions with us.


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