NET NITS The Golden Meaning

Well, our headline concerning assays of nearly 40 opt Au from deep below the Red Lake gold mine caught the attentio...


Well, our headline concerning assays of nearly 40 opt Au from deep below the Red Lake gold mine caught the attention of at least two readers. Todd Madill of Hemlo Mines thought the correct figure should be "4 opt", not "40 opt", so I checked. The press release clearly states "intersections of up to 39.98 opt (1,1370.7 g/t) over 34.1 ft (10.39 m)." And from Goldcorp's Chris Bradbrook came confirmation: "I know these numbers sometimes seem surreal. However, they are true and we are very pleased to be able to report them."

That figure brings up a second problem as pointed out by Barrick's John Frostiak: We printed incorrect numbers, particularly the opt-to-g/t figure, last week. They are correct as above.

CMJ apologizes for the confusion.


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