NET NIT – Gold grade musings; Location of Fort a la Corne

The Detour Lake item of two weeks ago and the ensuing correspondence continues to draw comment. Daniel M. Opper wri...


The Detour Lake item of two weeks ago and the ensuing correspondence continues to draw comment. Daniel M. Opper writes:

"I worked for Canamax Resources from 1988 to 1991 at the Ketza River mine in the Yukon. There I channel-sampled an oxidized scorodite stringer approximately a half a metre in width which ran 726 g/t Au. It certainly was not a grab sample. You could pan the gold from the fines."

Our apologies to the sharp-eyed readers of the Star kimberlite item that we ran in last week's Net News. Please be assured that we will remember in future that Prince Albert is in Saskatchewan, not Alberta.


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