to our readers as food for thought. We would be interested to know what your thoughts are.
"Since geostatistics was hailed in the early 1960s as a new science, various disciplines where sparse sets of independently measured values in large sample spaces are routinely encountered, have embraced the practice of interpolation without justification. My website at explains why this novelty geoscience inflates ore reserves and resources, and identifies those who ignore fundamentals of mathematical probability and classical statistics with utter contempt for scientific integrity. All that is necessary for the proliferation of bad science is that good scientists do nothing! My problem is to find good scientists!
"Take a close look at my website and decide whether the world's mining industry will benefit more from classical statistics than from the assumption of spatial dependence without proof. 'Borehole Statistics with Spreadsheet Software' is one of several papers published by SME, posted on my website, and ignored by the geostatistical fraternity. This paper shows how to compute confidence limits for the content and grade of a reserve, and how to compute a cylindrical volume of proven ore for each borehole within a resource. Please assist me in spreading the word about the application of classical statistics in mineral exploration and mining. Do not hesitate to contact me for more information or further clarification."